Red Sea 525 XL build

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Cumming, GA
After unexpectedly losing my father last year, I broke down the big system I had setup, it was just too painful to go into the basement fish room, and still is today, he would always come in and sit with me while I messed with things, come in to listen to music, and just to chat about life, going down there now is just this massive empty void. I now work full time from my home office, so I wanted to do something, take my mind off work when I am stuck in this prison, I mean house for 20+ hours a day. I needed to have a tank that had everything up here so I didn't have to go downstairs, I will still have my water tanks down there, but I am working on drilling a couple small holes in the wall for some tubing to run up, then I won't really need to go down there.

I picked up Jim's 525 XL today. I was going to get a Red Sea 300 from PR, but then both of my coils went out in the AC last week, so that was an expense I didn't want to have, then PR called and said there was a guy that wanted the 300 XL, so I went ahead and passed it on to him, then Jim's post popped up. I figured I would sell the lights and that would offset the cost for me and not make this investment too much....

Well... I forgot I got rid of all of my new bags of sand, all of my rock, my skimmers, and so on. I went ahead and called in a favor from one of my suppliers and got a killer deal on the Caribsea Rock with a stick that runs through it so even an idiot like myself can make the rook look half decent, I ordered 3 kits of that, should arrive Tuesday or Wednesday, the 5 bags of sand arrive Monday, the UPS guy will hate me this week. So I have just about everything for this system to get up and going.

MP40 - will arrive this week, need to order 1 more
MP10 x 2 (I think the glass it too thick, so I will sell these most likely, but would like to have on back wall)
Sicce Return Pump - Syncra SDC 7.0 WiFi Controllable Pump
Sand - 100 pounds of Special Grade Caribsea
Rock - Caribsea kit rock
Skimmer - Bubble Magnus (came with the tank, this will be sold and a Bubble King will be ordered)
UV - need to order a new one figures I just sold my other one a few weeks ago lol
Lighting - Noopsyche K7 V3 x 3 with Reefbrite Kits (going to have to make something special to make this work, they were designed to use the K7 V2)
Media Reactor - 2 x bubble king media reactors
Controller - Coralvue Hydros
Well... Part of the order arrived... 3 of the 5 bags of sand, 2 of the rock structures, and the MP 40, I find it funny they were all on the UPS truck "out for delivery" but he decided to only bring in part of it, maybe it was too heavy for him... guessing he will come back after he eats his lunch and get some more strength lol.

Do we get a same day reveal or nah?
I am waiting on a couple more items before adding the sand and rock to the tank, I am thinking this weekend I will have water if all goes as planned!

Now... I just need UPS to bring the 3rd box today lol
That is very true, I am just glad I don't have to be out delivering that late, and then up again at like 5am lol, I am too old for that game!
Definitely a young persons job. 15 years ago my wife decided to go through the training and see if she liked it (shes a nurse so not sure why she got a wild hair but I support her always :) ) She would leave at 4:30 am and get home at 9pm and sometimes later. lasted about a month :p
Either going with a Bubble King Mini 160 or Double Cone 180 with RD3.. Decisions, Decisions

The last of the parts I NEED to get it up and running arrive today, it was supposed to be here last Wed, but of course FedEx lost that package, at least UPS was just late... I hope this isn't a sign of what's to come.