Spammers on ARC Facebook page

scuba steve

Staff member
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Is there anything we can be doing to limit the spammers on the Facebook page?

I regularly see page shares from various online coral companies and when you click on the person who shares them all you see is repeated posts promoting their out of town, non-sponsor business, from people who aren't even supporting members. In light of the upcoming conversations about regaining sponsors, relating these posts this is an easy step towards rebuilding that relationship. Whatever that agreement comes to be, one is the selling points should be that these types of posts will get deleted and the poster booted from the group.

I report these posts any time I see them but they often don't get addressed for weeks, if at all. I would be willing to volunteer as a moderator for this if there's the need for additional manpower.

Thank you.
Is there anything we can be doing to limit the spammers on the Facebook page?

I regularly see page shares from various online coral companies and when you click on the person who shares them all you see is repeated posts promoting their out of town, non-sponsor business, from people who aren't even supporting members. In light of the upcoming conversations about regaining sponsors, relating these posts this is an easy step towards rebuilding that relationship. Whatever that agreement comes to be, one is the selling points should be that these types of posts will get deleted and the poster booted from the group.

I report these posts any time I see them but they often don't get addressed for weeks, if at all. I would be willing to volunteer as a moderator for this if there's the need for additional manpower.

Thank you.
I'm not on FB much. It's occasionally at best for me. I think we could absolutely use more help moderating there. I'll make sure to talk to the other board members today about it.
I say we just lock the FB account to post and just redirect everything here.
It's a hard decision. The FB group is more accessible for people but there are plenty of folks on there who aren't members and don't care to be. I had suggested just making it for club announcements but I think there is room for general posts and questions. I think we should always be trying to direct people to the forum though.
It's a hard decision. The FB group is more accessible for people but there are plenty of folks on there who aren't members and don't care to be. I had suggested just making it for club announcements but I think there is room for general posts and questions. I think we should always be trying to direct people to the forum though.
I feel the same way. I never understood the appeal of FB for more than just that, announcements. Try to do search and find what you're looking for, sigh...
There just seem to be a lot of people that do not want to use the forum and want to stay on FB, we don't want to alienate anyone.
I feel the same way. I never understood the appeal of FB for more than just that, announcements. Try to do search and find what you're looking for, sigh...
There just seem to be a lot of people that do not want to use the forum and want to stay on FB, we don't want to alienate anyone.
I think better moderation on facebook would help. If we really try to post the forum link or even a link to an answer to the particular question on the forum might help but that's a big job. It is an easier way to quickly share photos or videos.

I don't know what kind of control we have for tapatalk but I found the app almost useless for ARC. I just made a link to the homepage on my home screen for mobile use and deleted the app because it was terrible. I know people have issues with tapatalk all the time.
Seems like great minds think alike on this topic ;)

I used to use TT for every forum in the past. Now with the improvements of the forum software on mobile I prefer to use Chrome. If a site hasn't updated their software I hardly go to them anymore unless it pops up in a search, Reef Central for instance.

With TT, another issue is certain site info doesn't show up in the app. A big one for me is the price and location in sales threads. I've deleted the app as well and unless they make some major improvements and come out with a EULA that doesn't take ownership of everything you post through their app, pics included, I will never use it again.
I’m not sure what the point of having an ARC fb group is. It seems like people who tend to use the fb group don’t post on the main site and I don’t understand why we have sponsors who just post sales to Facebook and not on here.
FB is spamming heaven. I used to see some ads here and there while catching up on friends, nowadays I find an occasional friend post while flipping through ads...
I would not spend a minute trying to moderate FB...
Now, regarding sponsors, I question their value but that's a different discussion...
This isn't ads that I'm seeing. It's people who are affiliated with a business of some sort, typically on-line coral seller. These people join the Facebook page and then all they ever do is share the post of whatever business they're involved with. You can easily look at their post history at it is usually entirely re-sharing ads, they never try to help anyone with a problem or contribute anything in any meaningful way. They only join to promote their business. They are not sponsors, members of the club or even users on the forum. This is the primary spamming I see that I want to delete and boot the posters, and I think these are easy to identify and call out.

There is another class of people that are on the Facebook group that are more active but are also there primarily to promote their companies. There are several that regularly promote their businesses but are not sponsors and also often not supporting members or even members at all. They only participate on the Facebook page. I saw one individual that regularly promotes their business on the ARC Facebook page state that they were not members of the club and probably never would be because there's nothing in it for them. I think these need to be regulated as well, but here there is opportunity to show them why being a sponsor would be a benefit for them. But if they really have no intention of even joining the club as they have stated, well then I don't think they should be allowed to keep using the club page to take away business from the sponsors who do see the mutual benefit and have made the commitment to do so.
If I’m not mistaken, the main business promoter is technically a sponsor but not listed on this site.
If I’m not mistaken, the main business promoter is technically a sponsor but not listed on this site.
If it's the one I'm referring to, he claimed to be a sponsor about a year ago but he never paid or met the requirements. He is also the one that stated in a post just 2 months ago about never being a member and not seeing any reason to ever become one. So despite everything that he does to use the club to build his business, he can't see a reason to invest even $30 back into it.

He's also running a retail location illegally out of his residence but that's a separate issue.
If it's the one I'm referring to, he claimed to be a sponsor about a year ago but he never paid or met the requirements. He is also the one that stated in a post just 2 months ago about never being a member and not seeing any reason to ever become one. So despite everything that he does to use the club to build his business, he can't see a reason to invest even $30 back into it.

He's also running a retail location illegally out of his residence but that's a separate issue.
There are no laws out here in West Georgia. 😅

He claims to be legit and licensed and he has always seemed decent when I've interacted with him. His comments on the club were disappointing to put it mildly (and thar is if we are talking about the same person here). That was on the email post. It was non members mainly stirring up drama on facebook then and that really annoyed me.

Edit: also don't think he's the one @hiimsean was talking about. There are two main "online" sponsors who mainly just post on Facebook and link to their groups I believe. Shac is similar too.
The one I’m talking about a mod has said he is a paid sponsor so it’s someone different. I try to stay away from fb for the most part.
Ok, yeah, @hiimsean is taking about someone else. And it seems like you know who I'm talking about in west Georgia.

I've spent close to 30 years in pet retail and have opened multiple stores. You can get licensees and permits to be a business but it's still illegal to run a retail location out of your residence. And you can be damn sure there's no insurance company that would touch that, ADA regulations and any number of other requirements, expenses and overhead to have a legitimate retail location that every real store has to follow.

There a reason the only way you can find him is a private Facebook page and you can only visit by appointment. People like him pop up every few years and they all eventually get shut down and slapped with a bunch of fines, it's just a matter of time.
I say we just lock the FB account to post and just redirect everything here.

We can do that it some of us that use the Facebook app more going on the site isn't really convenient I do it only cuz justin to keep pulling my leg but FB is convenient

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Not sure how fb is more convenient? I have an ARC tab opened on my phone always. I use my laptop for school work and gaming so I rarely use it to browse arc let alone fb. The site has specific forums for almost any topic you could want. Fb is just a jumble of questions, sales, looking for and random pictures.