2023 ARC Officer Nominations

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It's that time of year where we need your help to nominate Atlanta Reef Club officers for 2023! Nominations occur during the month of October with formal elections held in November, but there is no reason we can’t kick off the nominations process early to spark the discussion! Take some time to consider whether you would like to take a more active role in the club and can set aside the time required to perform the duties of the role.

Any supporting member is allowed to nominate any other supporting member for officer positions. Nominating yourself, provided you are a supporting member, is OK too. The four elected positions are shown below. We could really use someone with previous treasurer experience or a finance background for the treasurer position as @Adam would like to step down from this role.

Vice President

The current 2022 Officers are listed for reference:
President: @jcook54 (Justin Cook)
Vice President: @Doberman13 (David Foster)
Secretary: @Gabridge83 (Bridgett Bass )
Treasurer: @Adam (Adam Nitschke)

Just post within the thread in the supporting member forum who you'd like to nominate and state why you've nominated them. The person nominated must accept within the thread to be placed on the ballot for November. This is a more formal process than some of our other club activities. Below is an example of how the nomination post should be written. This was taken from last year:

“I Bill Musselwhite, nominate Justin Cook @jcook54, for President of the Atlanta Reef Club.
Justin has expressed an interest in assuming the role of President, has experience with Board of Directors duties and current club business.”

The nominations process cutoff is 11:59pm Sunday, October 31st! Please get your nominations (or your nomination acceptance) in before then!

Don’t have time to devote to an elected position but want to volunteer to help the club? You are welcome to post within this thread and we will add your name to our volunteers list!

Information about the elected positions:

Most of us stay within the forums page day to day, however, going to atlantareefclub.org and clicking on the bylaws tab will also provide some insight for these positions. Also, please feel free to contact a current officer to find out more as well!

Atlanta Reef Club Bylaws – Atlanta Reef Club

Here is an excerpt:

Article II: Duties of Officers

Section 1

The President shall preside at all meetings, sign all documents, and be a member of all committees.

Section 2
The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, act as presiding officer. The Vice President shall be a member of all Committees and shall be informed of any business of said Committee so that s/he may present it to the Board in the absence of said Committee Chairperson.

Section 3
It shall be the responsibility of the Secretary to inscribe the proceedings of all meetings and to be prepared to read the specified records when requested. The office requires the maintenance of Club records, except those designated to other officers. When the President and Vice President are absent in any meeting, the Secretary shall preside. The Secretary shall also be responsible for maintaining copies of all correspondence as directed by the Board.

Section 4
The Treasurer shall keep in order financial records and/or books, tender by check recognized expenses incurred by the Club, and co-sign checks with the President, or one other Board member designated by the Board. The Treasurer is required to present immediately prior to the end of the fiscal year, all financial records to the person specified by the Board of Directors for audit and shall include a written statement of the financial condition of the Club. The Treasurer shall also present a monthly financial report to the Board of Directors and anytime at the request of the President.
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