Salinity Question


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I have been using salinity for a year + now. I would like to know why is there always a white residue after I mix it. I have tried adding it slowly.. but every time I 'm done mixing...there it is... on the inside walls.. the white residue the mixing container (brut garbage can), the power heads. Is there something I'm doing wrong..
I used a Tunze 6025 in my mixing container and the residue from salinity has completely ruined the look of the pump.... My mixing container is a Ropak screwtop tub,and the inside is pitted from repeatedly wiping off the residue.

Arg........ It's messy, but such great salt!
whatever, there is a way to do it.


Edit: I can't find the other thread where Seachem responded, its a pretty long thread and they explain it in detail. After I started using it I made it my mission to follow the advice of seachem and see if I could pull it off. Basically what you need is patience. My water changes are 20 gallons. So I have the 20 gallons of RODI water, I add about 4 cups right off the bat, let that mix for a few mins then add about 2 more full cups. Then I slow it down and add half a cup at a time about every 10 mins. You have to refrain from dumping it in all at once. Another tip is when you add your cups and your half cups pour the salt in slowely dont dump it in. Sprinkle it. Alot of people whine that they don't have the time and just deal with the film. I have the few extra mins and do it right and I have ZERO film.

Hope this helps.

In my link was the first times I was figuring out how to do it and took it really slow. Way too slow. I do it how I described in this thread now to cut down on time.

Search for that other thread that seachem was involved in and it will explain in detail what is happening and what the film is. The film is basically calcium snow. You get is because you add the salt to quickly to the water and it can't absorb it properlly and snows it out.
Sorry, to me it just seemed like you were blaming salinity for ruining the look of your high dollar pump when thats not really the case. This salt has been out for a couple of years now and this topic has been touched on quite a few times. I didn't want to OP to be turned off of one of the best salts on the market for fear of it ruining his equipment.
well first off I would like to thank you guys for asking and answering a question that I had as well. I have used Red Sea Coral Pro Salt for the two years that I have had my 90 and my wifes 60 cube up. Recently went to LFS and they did not have any Red Sea, so I purchased Salinity instead. ( this sounds stupid but I really love the bucket ) I have had the film problem with my water changes since I switched and have been unsure why. I do 15 gallons a week in my 90 and 10 gallons a week in my wifes 60 cube so I was really worried about the how this film would affect my tanks long term. So again thanks for the post I feel better now.
Thank you for your question, Tangaray, and everyone else for your input!

The residue that is left in the container is a direct result of
1. the highly concentrated materials used in the salt
2. letting it mix too long
3. a natural occurrence when mixing a high quality salt.

We do an acid wash on our buckets about once a month. This can be done at home simply using Acid Buffer and water. Your bucket will be clean instantly and easily.

Have a great day!
Is Acid Buffer available in common form or is it something that needs to be purchased?
Seachem Acid Buffer - it's a freshwater product. You can usually find it where you buy your Salinity :)

Acid Buffer should be available from most of the local stores that carry freshwater. If you cannot find a store that carries it, they should be able to special order it for you.
Hmmmmmm I wonder if there are any stores in Canton that carry it? LOL Thanks guys. I appreciate the info.
Ive notice that mixing over 2 days at cooler temperatures works perfect!!!
I've been using it for some time now. I add slowly and most of he time have no problems with dust after