Hanna Checkers work?


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Several years ago BRS did a test on all the hanna checkers and I remember the video because it's surprised me that they said most of them didn't work correctly only two of them were really good the rest were way off. Does anyone know where that video is or the ones which they said or not that good?
I’m not sure about videos, but anecdotally:
Phosphate and Alkalinity are easy and works very well.
Calcium instructions are convoluted and confusing at best. The need of distilled water is annoying and results are wildly different based on a multitude of variables. The goddamn sample water being one -.-…
Low Range Nitrate- Takes too long. Don’t recommend. If you mess up it’s let 20 minutes gone. F this kit
High Range Nitrates- works better. Less issues and places to mess up.
I would still recommend salifret kits for nitrate.
Ammonia - Don’t think it’s worth buying. You’d use it one or twice during set up. A cheap API kit would suffice with ammonia to see if there is or isn’t any in it. Don’t need precision numbers.
Magnesium had a hiccup on release with their reagents messing up. Has had a bad connotation ever since. But they released an apology and sent out new reagents free. No problem since.
Salinity Handheld is very convenient. Would recommend testing and calibrating often tho.
pH handheld I mean it’s simple and convenient. The cost is kinda high for what it is.
Master Testor - good for what it is. You still need to use different reagent and test everything separately unlike what they trying to market it as. Too expensive. If you have other kits, no point in buying.
I run hanna for alk / phosphate and calcium.
Everything else I used salifert, and even have a backup alk one to confirm results from the hanna.

If you follow instructions properly you should have no issues, but everything ecoreefguy said holds true.
Calcium works fine but you have to follow the directions. The sample water is easy now with the included 100 µL Pipette
Alk is good but make sure to shake the reagent. Also some keep the reagent in the fridge
Low range nitrate is garbage
High range nitrate works well
Phosphate is good
Magnesium is ok. When they first came out it was total trash but they replaced my test kit completely
Handheld salinity is trash. Tropic Marin High Precision Hydrometer , 500ml graduated cylinder and vee gee refractometer are a much better choice

Honestly I keep back up salifert test kits for all of them just to be safe
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All my test are ran with Hanna checkers and I have zero issues and very consistent results. Attention to detail is key with this hobby to me. 52AA8D0E-2B79-4013-ACF9-3F26B952EF90.jpeg
Thanks for the replies guys.. Definitely helps to know people who have used them
From what I hear the salifert are Definitely great also so thanks for that too.. just hate to waste money buying stuff that either doesn't work well or are such a pain to use you never use them. Better to just ask when you're not sure.. thanks again and have a blessed day..
Love Hanna for alk, ulr phosphate, and HR nitrates. Everything else I use Salifert for since the hanna tests are a bit convoluted and complicated for the others.
Several years ago BRS did a test on all the hanna checkers and I remember the video because it's surprised me that they said most of them didn't work correctly only two of them were really good the rest were way off. Does anyone know where that video is or the ones which they said or not that good?
I don’t remember them saying they weren’t any good but I do remember a few of the Hanna’s were very difficult to use i.e. the Nitrate checker really bites and is easy to get wrong. I sold mine out of frustration. It would be nice if all Hanna’s were as easy to use as the ULR Phosphate, and Alkalinity checkers.