TOP banner


Well-Known Member
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howdy.. It's a really pretty picture, but the top banner isn't scaled for the size it is. Is there any way to get this picture or one like it that is nice and sharp instead of all pixelated ? MAYBE it looks ok on mobile, but on a full monitor its not right.
Just a suggestion
Hi. Yes, we have planned to fix it for the past year, but were unable. Now that we have website control, we absolutely can. We already have several great options on hand.

it’s been lower priority on the boards agenda for the past month, but is an easy fix. I don’t think there will be much disagreement to fixing it soon.
I know its not a huge deal :) thanks for looking into it.
Just always bothered me that was the first thing I see, and its all pixels ha. That said it is universes better than a decade ago