Rescheduled! - March 2020 Meeting Substitute - Predator Reef Keeping

Rescheduled! - March 2020 Meeting Substitute - Predator Reef Keeping
Posted by FutureInterest
Online - Facebook and TBD
Sunday, April 12, 2020 - 02:00 PM
Until: Sunday, April 12, 2020 - 03:30 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: America/New_York)

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So, we're going to try a web meeting and the topic for this will be on keeping a Predator Reef tank. Lawrence aka @Totes has volunteered to show us his successful predator reef. It's such a cool concept to combine reef keeping with predator fish! Frankly, most of us would never give this a shot but Lawrence has made this work. Some of his inhabitants are particularly rare and difficult to keep as he's one of the only reefers I've even heard of to actually successfully keep a blue ribbon eel alive! Such a stunning creature! Lawrence will be going over how he's kept everything well fed and balanced. :)

Anyways we will be webcasting the meeting on our facebook page and potentially through another streaming service as well. There will be some gift cards to be raffled off as usual as well. So come join us. More details to follow :).
I’m totally for this I was thinking of adding a ribbon eel to my display so it would be great to get an experienced reefers insight on how to successfully keep one.
The kids use zoom for the digital learning with their teachers right now and we've used it for the past year for their bassoon lessons with a remote teacher in NY. It has worked well for us.

We may end up going with both facebook and zoom...
Security concerns for Zoom were because passwords were not required or not often used. So as long as if we do zoom you put a password behind it we should be good. Annoying but that’s best practice.
Security concerns for Zoom were because passwords were not required or not often used. So as long as if we do zoom you put a password behind it we should be good. Annoying but that’s best practice.
Yes just post the password with the link here and it should work fine.
The other stop gap security measure for Zoom is once the participants are on, the person initiating the session has the ability to lock the session so no outsiders can get in.
Thanks! I do feel better. Here's a link to a vid on what Lawrence will be covering. The predator feeding will be quite interesting :).

We've rescheduled for this Sunday at 2pm. I'm updating the meeting date/time accordingly.
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Thanks! I do feel better. Here's a link to a vid on what Lawrence will be covering. The predator feeding will be quite interesting :).

We've rescheduled for this Sunday at 2pm. I'm updating the meeting date/time accordingly.
Sunglasses bro? :p You're too school for cool @Totes :D
Do we have news on how to join this meeting? :D
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