Reef Delete


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I just saw a message about one of the online store had ITC reef delete in stock. I’ve been out of the hobby for a little while and just rebooted. I’m curious if anybody has used these? How effective they are? Looks easier than a syringe full of whatever.
Justin just sent me a text with a link to one. I think it is an awesome idea but I am curious if it works better than one of the good high powered blue lasers. I was fortunate enough to borrow another member's blue laser to play with and admit I may have had too much fun popping vermetid snails. I even noticed that it worked against green hair algae and briopsis. Someone correct me if I am wrong but the reef delete just seems like the same thing but uses UV instead of the laser.
That's what I understand. You know, I never had much luck with a laser but I could have been doing something wrong. If I remember correct, it was a yellow/orange color. Perhaps the blue laser is a better option?
Melev's Reef has made a few videos on using a laser pointer to kill aphasia and mahanos.

Edit: If anybody does end up going this route please look up the dangerous effects that a blue laser can have on the eyes. I have seen quite a few blue laser kits that come with inadequate eye protection.
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Ok now i want a laser. I probably shouldn't have one but that has never stopped me before
Justin just sent me a text with a link to one. I think it is an awesome idea but I am curious if it works better than one of the good high powered blue lasers. I was fortunate enough to borrow another member's blue laser to play with and admit I may have had too much fun popping vermetid snails. I even noticed that it worked against green hair algae and briopsis. Someone correct me if I am wrong but the reef delete just seems like the same thing but uses UV instead of the laser.
A blue laser that was effective on vermetids, you say? Do you happen to remember who made it?
A blue laser that was effective on vermetids, you say? Do you happen to remember who made it?
I don't remember the brand of the one I had borrowed but I believe any 5 mw laser would do the job. I think you want to have the ability to focus the laser.
A file fish is sooooooooo much easier! And even more fun, in a way.
Man a UV laser is sketchy as hell....

That said I have a 3w blue laser I used to kill aptasia. Its super satisfying to watch them boil and pop and yes its a great way to kill the hard to reach ones. And its funny as hell watching the fish case the dot like a cat.

Downside it doesnt fully kill them and they will grow back so its more of a maintenance item than a solution. It takes around 1-3 min of burning per aptasia. AND if you dont watch where the reflection is (some light bounces off the glass rather than go though it) you could have a bad time. I burned a hole in my shirt once.

EDIT: for those wondering my laser didnt do squat for vermetids.
Man a UV laser is sketchy as hell....

That said I have a 3w blue laser I used to kill aptasia. Its super satisfying to watch them boil and pop and yes its a great way to kill the hard to reach ones. And its funny as hell watching the fish case the dot like a cat.

Downside it doesnt fully kill them and they will grow back so its more of a maintenance item than a solution. It takes around 1-3 min of burning per aptasia. AND if you dont watch where the reflection is (some light bounces off the glass rather than go though it) you could have a bad time. I burned a hole in my shirt once.

EDIT: for those wondering my laser didnt do squat for vermetids.
I have used both a 3mw and a 5 mw. I have noticed that the 3 mw laser takes a little longer to kill the aiptasia and doesnt do anything for algaes. With the 5mw they almost instantly pop and it will boil all water inside a vermetid snails shell.

You definitely have to be careful with the reflections and make sure there are no other people or animals in the room. There's a spot on the bottom rim of my small tank that I barely swiped the laser across and it left a burn mark.
Justin just sent me a text with a link to one. I think it is an awesome idea but I am curious if it works better than one of the good high powered blue lasers. I was fortunate enough to borrow another member's blue laser to play with and admit I may have had too much fun popping vermetid snails. I even noticed that it worked against green hair algae and briopsis. Someone correct me if I am wrong but the reef delete just seems like the same thing but uses UV instead of the laser.
Huh? What? Lasers work on GHA? I bought one for a past aiptasia infestation but you can’t see the laser beam with the safety glasses they came with. I got one of those high powered ones from china that can probably shoot down planes (I don’t condone shooting down planes). I’m going to try it on my GHA problem though.
Huh? What? Lasers work on GHA? I bought one for a past aiptasia infestation but you can’t see the laser beam with the safety glasses they came with. I got one of those high powered ones from china that can probably shoot down planes (I don’t condone shooting down planes). I’m going to try it on my GHA problem though.
In my experience this mainly worked on smaller patches that were on frags; I wouldn't recommend this method for an infestation. This was with a 5 mW laser. I would hold the point of focus at the base of the strands of GHA for 15-30 seconds and then move over to the next patch. It does not make it disappear right away but the next day or two it will be gone. I caught my blue hermit crabs pulling on it after I 'cooked' it.
Holy smokes you guys really must hate aiptasia to risk life & limb, eyeballs, shirts, etc to destroy them
Walter White Insult GIF by Breaking Bad
I have a 3w 450nm laser. It does take a bit to cook aiptasia, but the small ones take under a minute. It doesn't have any effect on vermentids. Had I known 5w would kill them I probably would have gone that route.

I'm not sure I'd spend the money on a Reef Delete over a 5w laser. I guess both have their pluses and minuses. Having to put the whole Delete in the water and covering what you want dead is safer than a laser. But it will be limited in tight spaces or under rocks that the laser can get to.