Ready to glue everything?


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Hey! Our 40g setup has been up and running since early January. (Thanks ActiveAngel!) (Technically it's my 10 year old son's tank, but I've been having WAY too much fun with it, for sure.)

I have moved the rocks around a bunch and we have a decent amount of corals, I've gotten most from members here, at the meetings and a few at MACNA. Most are still on frag posts or whatever they are called. I was waiting for everything to stabilize and make sure everything was happy before I started gluing rocks and coral in place. Everything seems to be good, (ish....I know that rose BTA looks rough, but we have had it for a few months and it keeps hanging on. Any suggestions on that one I would love to hear.)

I have a zoa garden in the side/back of the tank. We have some purple cyanobacteria (I think) that we have been dealing with, but its getting better. I'm starting to see some purple coralline algae. We aren't planning on getting anything new for awhile, I just want to know if its ok to glue the rocks in their current formation and the corals where I have them. List of corals below:

Zoas - King Midas, Gatorade, magicians, Gobbstopper, Rasta, daisy cutter/stargazers, bambams & jungle juice.
Green palythoa
Acro - Miyagi Tort,
Outer space pssamocora
Blueberry cream pie Montipora
Superman mushroom
Green hairy mushroom
Red war coral
Green torch
Spicy lemon favites pentagona

I am asking your feedback. WDYT? Any suggestions on moving something so it is happier? Be nice please. We are learning and doing lots of research, but I know its not all perfect. We have a 29G cycling now for my oldest son, and my husband and I are in the process of setting up a 150G, so many of the corals will ultimately move over there.
