MASNA Aquarist of the Year Richard Ross Q & A this Saturday, 11-13-21 @ 2pm Eastern


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We are honored to announce we will be hosting a Zoom Q & A session this coming Saturday with Richard Ross, a past MASNA Aquarist of the Year, current MASNA Fellow at Large, cephalopod specialist and captive breeder of corals, among his many accomplishments.

Below, Rich was kind enough to provide a selection of web site links, videos, podcasts, etc. for us to familiarize ourselves with this man's considerable body of work. We believe that you will find Rich to be a highly interesting, entertaining and intriguing individual. His passion, and especially for marine aquatic subjects, is evident!

Please pour over the linked selections Rich provided below, for topics you may find particularly interesting, and be prepared to speak with Rich about them live on Saturday.

Hope to see you there! -Bill

Meeting Zoom link -

Below are the linked selections Rich provided-

Website (under construction) or

Reef Beef Podcast NSFW

Selected videos
Adam Savage's Tested - tour of the Secret Home Lab

Rich falls into the Georgia Aquarium

Coral Spawning Lab

Dig through the BS and come out clean

What's up with Phosphate
Sorry I’m going to miss it 😢 will it be recorded?
Yes it will.
Because it will be a Q&A session, the format will be a little different. In that attendees will review Rich Ross’ material and/or links beforehand, then ask related questions during the Zoom chat.
Please be sure to look over Richard Ross’ collection of work (above).

Then plan to get in on a chance to speak directly with one of the top thought leaders in our hobby, this coming Saturday at 2:00 pm.

The Zoom link is in the announcement at the top ^
Can you add this to a banner so that more folks will see this announcement? Almost missed seeing it.
Reminder that tomorrow at 2 pm Eastern will be the Q & A Zoom meeting with Richard Ross, a master aquarist, author and published scientist.

Please look over some of his work to familiarize yourself. It’s bound to stimulate a lot of questions. Rich is an interesting individual. You will enjoy both what he has to say and his sense of humor when saying it.

Richard Ross Q & A today @ 2:00pm

(Zoom link above in original post)

see you there!
Great Zoom meet up with Rich Ross.


That being said, their should have been more than 7 ARC members on the Zoom meeting.
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Sorry I missed it 🙁 was driving back from Marietta. Can you please post the replay link?
What a great speaker! Really enjoyed hearing what Richard had to say! Sorry more folks could not attend. Hopefully this pandemic will go away and we can have meetings with great speakers like that in person.
I bet if you put a announcement at the end that their were gift cards to be givin away their would be more attendees...HMMM!!!

Knowledge from these leaders in the hobby is wealth, at least to me it is.

ARC has 5020 members, not sure on how many supporting members, but only 7 showed up.

For those that could not attend due to understandable reasons, it's all good and we do understand. I almost forgot about it as I was simply doing maintenance on my tank. :)
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Sorry I had to miss it, I look forward to seeing the recording. My guess is there would have been a greater turnout for a talk on a specified topic with a question and answer session at the end. It would have probably helped to have more notice also, 3 1/2 days doesn't leave much room for advanced planning, I was already committed to something when I first saw the announcement.
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Rich chose the format, as he has found it more productive than a PowerPoint shuffle.
I do wish that more members of ARC that were able to attend did attend. It was a great meeting and I learned a ton. My only concern is that, not only did I notice that only 7 members attended, so did RIch Ross, and thus, why would he and anyone else sign up to do another Zoom meeting with ARC. We as a club need to promote these speakers in some way with attendance to show we reefers care about what they are saying. This has nothing to do with the BoD, IT HAS TO DO WITH US REEFERS IN THE ATL!!!

I truly felt honored when Rich Ross was asking ME about my comparison between the GHL and Apex. The sharing of knowledge it what reefing is about. ;)
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