Copperband Butterfly with Raised Scales - Injury/Infection?


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I purchased a healthy copperband butterfly about 4 months ago. I upgraded to a 150 about 3 weeks ago. He has been eating fine and acting normal but today I noticed a strange bump on his side where it looks like the scales are peeling away. I snapped a couple pictures with my camera phone but it is hard to see (slightly down and to the left of the black spot on his fin).

The only thing different is I added a school of green chromis about a week ago and they follow him around everywhere and seem to be annoying him (they aren't nipping at him, just swimming after him).

Perhaps an injury? If so, should I worry about infection or just leave him alone for now?

I'm testing the water right now and will report if there is anything off.

Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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Looks like a bacterial infection. I haven't had much success treating that - there are antibiotics available (QT only)... Kanaplex, Neoplex... worth a try but I've never had any luck :( Sorry.

I have a 29g QT I can set up I just don't know if any stores are open at this time to pick up any antibiotics. I could try a Petco I suppose.

The fish is acting fine and has a normal appetite. Should I move him and try treating?

Edit: And thanks for the quick reply. This is my favorite fish so I'm hoping he will make it :(
Curious -were the lights off when you observed this? Some fish seem to 'discolour' when the lights are out.

If there are scales missing it probably started from some sort of mechanical injury. These fish seem to be really prone to infections.

Edit: I'm at home now but if you need something, PM me and I can arrange to meet you.

Didn't notice anything yesterday and just saw it when I was feeding my fish after work (the lights had been on for at least 4 hours). Not just a coloration as there is noticeable raised scales.

I ran to Petco but their selection is pathetic. The only thing they had was something called Melafix by API which contains 1% Melaleuca. Is this even worth using or should I go out and find something in the morning?

He definitely still has an appetite but he isn't foraging through the rocks as much as he normally does. I am going to get the QT set up either way so I can get him separated.
Melafix is junk, IMO. If it's a bacterial infection, which I suspect it is, you need real antibiotics. If he's eating you can spike the food with Neoplex and Focus or Kanaplex and Focus (both by Seachem - I carry these) that can be done in the DT or in QT. In QT you can also treat the water as well as the food so you get medicine inside and out.

Yeah I assumed as much but grabbed it just in case.

Do you carry any of these products? I am off work tomorrow so I can run up there when you open to pick it up.

Thanks again for the help!

Edit: Nevermind just re-read your post. I'll be swinging by in the AM. Thanks!
The Melafix is good for freshening smelly sink drains... the sales rep actually told me that (with expired product). I don't carry that stuff myself - not much point to it IMO but it may have some uses in FW.

Yep I have what you need.

Thanks Jenn for all the help! I mixed in the Focus and Neoplex with my normal mix of frozen and fresh foods and added a drop of garlic. All my fish ate it right up.

Couple quick questions:
- How often should I feed the medicated food? The only directions I could find were based on dosing the water. I normally feed 2-3 small meals a day.
- I tried to be careful feeding but I am sure some of the medicine got into the water and possibly to my coral banded shrimp. Should I be concerned? It was probably a minute amount. I do run carbon on a regular basis.

Thanks again for answering all my questions!
Since dosing this way is a little bit haphazard, I'd continue with your regular feeding schedule but use the medicated food at every feeding for 5 days. If symptoms persist, we can revisit that at that time.

I wouldn't be too concerned about the tiny amount in the water or your shrimp for grabbing it. Carbon is good too.

And you're most welcome :)

Thanks again for all the help. Sadly, the butterfly didn't make it. It seems to have been a very aggressive infection.

I started treatment on Thursday and he seemed to get progressively worse, but was still acting normal. Yesterday he seemed a bit lethargic but was still eating and swimming around. I decided to write in to WWM to get their take on it. He agreed with the diagnosis and said the medicine was good, but that it is rare for a fish to make it once infected (he suspected vibriosis). He recommended trying oxytetracycline, but it seems it was already too late.

The good news is my remaining fish seem healthy and happy.