Cleaner shrimp eggs


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About 3 months ago I noticed my two cleaner shrimp (lysmata amboinensis) mating. Shortly afterwards I saw that the larger one had hundreds of tiny green eggs along the underside of her belly attached to her swimmerets. I did a little reading and discovered that it was unlikely that any hatchlings would survive to adulthood. Disappointed, I sat back and waited for the eggs to hatch and the the feasting to begin. And I waited. And then I waited some more.

I had read that the eggs should hatch within a couple of weeks but it's been WAY longer than that with no sign of any changes. She still seems to be caring for them, fussing over them and constantly making sure they have good water circulation, but they're not getting any larger and none have detached (as far as I can tell).

Should I be worried? :unsure:

The tank is a 29 gallon BioCube with corals, a few shrimp, brittle stars and the clean-up crew. My water parameters are good and remain steady. I do weekly water changes and haven't noticed any other problems.
Why worry? She'll release them when the time is right. Mine would release at night in a high flow zone. Chances are they are both spawning and you are just missing the release.
My first two cleaner shrimp did that as well.. Always had eggs under them, just wish I was able to breed them.
I guess the only reason I'm concerned is that I'd read it should take about two weeks before she released the eggs and it's been seven, so far. I didn't know if she was waiting on certain conditions or worse, she's lacking some vital nutrients in her diet -- I just don't know.

I'm hoping that the two week estimate was wrong and that it should have read two months...
like I said, they are probably both staying pregnant and releasing w/o you seeing.
Finally! The eggs turned white and opaque, Friday. They also started looking much looser, like they were getting ready to release. Sure enough, the next morning almost all of the eggs were "gone". By Sunday evening the other shrimp had a fresh batch of green eggs.
I know it is late now, but my cleaner shrimp always release their offspring near a full moon, within an hour of the tank lights and room lights being off. My tank is a 220 and it is crazy to see all of the baby shrimp swimming around the tank feeding the fish and coral. Good luck on catching a glimpse of the baby shrimp next time.