Buyer/Seller Feedback Forum


Active Member
Reaction score
We have put in a forum specifically for buyer/seller feedback.

The purpose of this forum is to provide an opportunity for buyers/sellers to leave feedback on interactions with various members. We hope that it accomplishes two things:
  1. We hope that having a feedback forum will keep sellers/buyers more accountable to their transactions.
  2. We hope that our members will do their due diligence and research sellers before purchasing so they can make a more informed decision.
The format for leaving feedback is as follows:
  • Title: Include the username of the person in the title of your thread and a few words about the transaction.
  • Body: In the body of the post, start by including a link to the sale thread and also tag the person so they will be alerted to respond. This is done by using the @ symbol followed by their username. Then please leave your feedback.
  • Example:


Most reefers are meticulous about the hobby and are just as meticulous in their transactions. As such, the vast amount of transactions on here are always positive and we expect that most of the feedback will be in this manner.

That being said, there will be disputes that pop up from time to time. Please note that ARC takes no profit or interest in the sales that take place on the forum. We simply operate a privately funded local reefing forum that happens to have reef related classified ads and as such will not mediate or resolve disputes. The old adage caveat emptor or buyer beware is the rule of thumb in life's many transactions and it naturally applies here as well.

When leaving feedback, each party is allowed a single post presenting information on their transaction. Please make it concise and include any relevant information. Once you make your post the other party will have a single post to respond and present their information at which point the thread will be closed. All posts in this forum must be reviewed for appropriate content by a moderator before it is publicly displayed to ensure that our decorum rules are followed. If your feedback is rejected, the moderator will explain why, and you can of course make the appropriate adjustments and submit your post again for review.

Again, we hope that having a feedback forum will help keep people more accountable and also allow members to do their due diligence. Thank you and happy reefing!