Best way to write on aquariums


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Augusta, GA
I want to start writing useful info on my working tanks like when the last water change was and what the last set of water test results were. I was thinking of just getting some of those chalk markers for glass or maybe using dry erase markers but I have no experience using them for glass. Long ago when I was in the lab I would use Sharpies to write on my glassware. It worked great and I just used some acetone to take it off. I would rather not have to use a strong solvent like that around my tanks though.

Does anyone have a suggestion? I already use Aquarimate to log all this information, I just do not want to have to spend a couple of minutes pulling all that data up just to know when I need to do the next water change on something.
I can tell you with chalk markers it wipes off pretty easily. Not quite as easy as dry erase, so it may be great. Just a damp paper towel will work.
I’ve always used the liquid chalk pens to write on my tanks whenever I’m cycling a new one. Makes keeping track of the cycle easier and to know how long it’s been up and running.
I used a sharpie to write down feeding instructions on a standard glass tank for a tank sitter a few times; came right off with a razor blade, no chemicals needed, and you don't have to worry about accidentally rubbing it off.
Great info! I will get a couple of the suggested options and see how they work. I really appreciate it!
Painters tape is good for notes and labeling stuff but I don’t love the blue blob I can’t see through. Sharpie is my favorite for marking on glass. You can make precise marks (like on a water line,) it doesn’t block your view and stays on as long as you need it and comes right off with alcohol (use liquor store alcohol.)

You “could” use rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball if you are super careful, but better to just buy a cheap pint of something like “Golden Grain” that’s almost 100% pure alcohol. (It’s useful for all sorts of other things around the house too.)