Acans and Zoas closed up and NOT Happy, What's UP?


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Sugar Hill
Hey all. I've had these acans for a year and a half now and they are normally fully inflated and growing. Also, my speckled Krakatoa (3 months I've had) are are normlly humungous and full. Intstead now the Krakatoa are keeping their edges closed and the Acans are closed up all day. The Acans do still put their tentacles out at night and eat.

I've done no changes in lighting or current. About a month ago Phospates got to around 1.0. They are now much lower (will put current parameters below). Have not added anything new coral or fish.

Some other notes:

-I have to add every day or two to keep Alk up to 8. It is Reef Fusion 1 or 2. I just realized I do not add the part 2 Calcium when I add Alk... Problem maybe??
-For some reason I get a brownish algae growth on the left side of the tank (not right side)... Where these corals reside... Could this algae; or whatever it is be effecting these corals.
- 4-5 weeks ago Magnesium dipped to 1,250 or so...
-4-5 weeks ago Phosphates were around 1.0

Paramaters (Been pretty steady the last 3 weeks or so)
salinity: 1.026
Nitrate: 15-17
Alk: 7.5 (Trying to keep 8.0 or slighlty above normally)
Mg: 1,440
Ca: 460
Phosphate: .015

Any thoughts are appreciated. I do not run charcoal, or a protein skimmer.
can you double check your salinity?

i have seen zoas not opening because of salinity that's out of whack. check your salinity, verify with different refractometer if you can.

my salinity went to hell in the "holding" tank and the zoas didn't respond well and didn't recover