2 or 3 part dosing?


New Member
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dallas, ga
Just beginning to add coral to my tank and know dosing is imminent Aquaforest system has been getting my attention and am looking at BRS dosing pumps so that I may set up to my Apex. Any thoughts?
Does your testing show you need to dose? After you dose how long does it to take for your prams to drop to need to dose again?
Just did a big water change. Will check tomorrow once things settle and then for a couple of days after. Have not been dosing yet at all.
Early on even with some coral water change can be enough but if you do the math wou will still have to dose to bring things back to nominal so it would just be minimal dosing. Probably not enough to utilize a dose. My opinion is never dose without testing. From my own experience I try to make my tank the best I can for my corals and hope I can do better by adding this and that and only wind up slowing down progress of my tank. My dt has a good bit of coral and I have to dose only 3ml of all for reef a day. My frag tank I only have to dose maybe once a week.
I'm so glad. YouTube made it seem that you HAD to dose...and a lot with dosers. Thank you for the gps btw. Happy and open for the most part. Feed it reefroids yesterday. That good?
To be honest I dont know if gsp eats like some softies and lps do. Maybe some one else will chime in. I would say you probably dont need a doser at this point. Just for now do your weekly testing and write down your numbers to see the trends of the prams. One of the best thing for the tank is stability instead of that perfect number.