Who makes their own 2-part


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I've monitored my numbers for some time and I'm going to start dosing. I'm sure DYI is more cost effective so I wanted to see who was making their own and what you are using to make it. I was planning on using soda ash for alk but I'm not sure what to use for the calcium part. I am thinking dow flake, calcium chloride. for the Ca.
Baking soda for alk. Far cheaper than anything out there. 1lb for .99 have been using it for 20+ years. Right out of the box no need to bake it.

calcium chloride is perfect. Don’t forget your mag too.

My mag seems to be sitting fine at 1330. Alk after a water change is around 9 and after 1.5 weeks it was 5.5. Calcium goes from 400 to 340 in that time period. Going to try to stabilize my all around 9.5 and calcium at 420. I would consider kalk but my ph runs 8.1-8.3 through out the day and don’t want a huge bump from kalk
I use sodium hydroxide for the alk part, it boosts pH higher than standard baking soda/sodium carbonate. this product here. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089W3XPLZ?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details

I started using this recipe. https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/second-new-diy-two-part-recipe-with-higher-ph-boost.357080/

But now I have switched to mixing it at 1.5x those amounts to make a more potent 2 part, it is similar to the strength of the ESV 2 part.

For the calcium part, I experimented with some cheaper lower grade products but I always had some cloudiness and settling so I ended up buying the 5 gallon bucket of the BRS calcium chloride which is pharma grade, I mix it at 1.5x also.

I have a ~200 gallon tank and dose 210ml per day of each. I have a 2.5gallon jug for my alk and a 5 gallon jug for calcium. If you do go with the sodium hydroxide for alk, ensure your mixing and storage containers are hdpe as the high pH will cause cracks/leaks in normal/drinking water jugs. I use this product. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07HRZVHY9/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
It seems like the calcium recipe is the same with the ph boosting and non oh boosting recipes. What products were you using to make the calcium?
I tried Alpha Chemicals calcium chloride, it was fertilizer grade and then I tried Chlorox pool calcium hardness increaser that was supposed to be 100% calcium chloride but I suspect it was a lower grade as well.
I’ve seen a few snow melt calcium chloride that claim to be 100% I might try that
Dow Flake ice melt.

I second the sodium Hydroxide of you need the pH boost.

Epsom salt for the Mag.

The biggest bang for the buck is Kalk for the Alk & Cal.
Do you guys think this would be good for calcium? It claims to be pure calcium chloride
Vaporizer 90% Pure Calcium Chloride Snow & Ice Melt Pellets | Effective at -25° | 9 lb Jug | Concrete Safe Ice Melt | Easy Spreader https://a.co/d/9eokX6z
I also tried kalk again. My pH is too high to run kalk. It was keeping my calcium numbers constant and bumping my my all slightly but my pH skyrocketed
For those using baking soda to raise alk, I’m looking for guidance. I read I should not raise alk more then .5 a day. How much of part 2 in mL would this equate to?
Or should I just use this calculator and add about a tsp a day since it recommends 6.7tsp to raise it. I figure I’m going from 5.5 to 9, that’s a difference of 3.5. If I’m going up by 0.5 a day that would be a week of dosing. If it says 6.7tsp to bump it that’s right at a tsp a day
I buy food grade calcium chloride from Amazon and I follow the Randy's 2 part for doing, I just don't trust the ice melted when food grade is a available
I'm also using sodium hydroxide (same exact product as linked above by @Wmb0003). It has made an enormous difference for coral growth. I'm still using chlorox hardness increaser for calcium, although I'm going to switch to the BRS stuff for peace of mind about the purity.

I actually mix at half strength because I had some precipitation issues at full strength. This also allows Calcium and Alk to be dosed at the same rate as Balling Part C (tropic Marin). Part C maintains ionic balance in the long run by offsetting the accumulation of sodium and chloride ions from parts A and B. I also mix in additional trace elements to parts A and B.

Here's my recipe for 1 gallon of each solution:

- 250g Calcium Chloride Dihydrate
- 80mL Tropic Marin Trace K+

- 142g Sodium Hydroxide
- 80mL Tropic Marin Trace A-

Part C (Everything in seawater minus the NaCl):
- 91g Tropic Marin Balling C
I’ve started raising my alk using baking soda and it has kept my ph about the same. I do notice a small dip with I dose. I got some calcium chloride the other day but haven’t had a chance to dose that yet to bump my calcium up.
I was planning to start using the all for reef formula, but my calcium consumption is not high since my tank is mostly lps softies and less on the sps side. What would you all suggest

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This thread got me wanting to test my calcium which I havnt tested in few month and it came out at 539 using Hanna checkers. Alkalinity is stable at 8.4-8.3.

Stable alkalinity is what I aim for:
Calcium numbers ranges in 100’s
Magnesium numbers ranges in 1000’s
Alkalinity numbers ranges on 1-10’s and moves in 0.1’ decimals

Ideally, you will want to use different amount of 2part solutions to stabilize your alkalinity and Calcium first. Then, you can use products like all-for-reef to add same amount of solution for consumption. “Home made” 2parts & kalkwasser may lack in other trace elements so you will have to add that on top.

Edit: if your alkalinity or calcium is not stabilizing? You may want to check the magnesium to see if that is out of range. And make adjust there if needed. In my case, I havnt tested mag either for few month since my alk is always at my desired range.

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I've used brs two part for years now with good results. It's pretty reasonable if you buy the dry ingredients and mix it yourself. It's soda ash for alkalinity and calcium chloride for calcium.