Enders Mid Life Crisis Build

The Office Crying GIF
So Mr. Pervert...if you're the black connecter and your wife is the rubber hose...who is the white coupling?

Obviously it's the ex fitting.You know the one that needs a zip tie to keep the rubber hose on.
its been 3 months now, I think we're all due for an update.

Life has been kicking my ass lately. Between the drama of getting my pool permitted (HOA trouble from an HOA I dont even live in!), traveling, auto feeder issues, bully fish I cant catch and the fact my last round of fish in QT were all taken out by a combo of ich and flukes Ive just kind of been taking a step back and letting the tank run and try to stabilize the parameters.

Ill get a real update soon, but here are some bullet points.
- Reworked the flow nozzles in the frag tank to eliminate dead spots. Results, its low profile but I still have a poo pile.
- Autofeeder issues continue. First the smell annoyed my wife so I had to find a sealed container. Then the food I made clogged it up and made a nice big stinky mess.
- A-hole fish. My Melinarus wrasse and twin spot hog have become horrible. I watched the Melinarus dive bomb my diamond goby and kill it, and the hogfish is systematically killing off other wrasses and anthias and they are evading capture.
- Parameters. Im still tuning the Ca reactor, I got it keeping the alk stable but it was dosing too much calc and mag so I had to back off and turn the soda ask dosing back up. I also had to lower my Kalk drip since my evaporation went down. All this lead to a few swings that killed off some corals.
- Screen tops, the never ending project. The screen went totally brittle bring under the halides in under 3 months resulting in rips, and fish being able to jump through it and land on top.
That auto feeding is very tricky. Make them in a nice size cubes and drop them in as needed maybe the best option.

Your tank being a such large size, I knew you are going to have many hiccups and take forever for it to stabilize.

But didnt expect that your fishes are killing each other in a such a large tank. Big tank big problems. Sheese
Life has been kicking my ass lately. Between the drama of getting my pool permitted (HOA trouble from an HOA I dont even live in!), traveling, auto feeder issues, bully fish I cant catch and the fact my last round of fish in QT were all taken out by a combo of ich and flukes Ive just kind of been taking a step back and letting the tank run and try to stabilize the parameters.

Ill get a real update soon, but here are some bullet points.
- Reworked the flow nozzles in the frag tank to eliminate dead spots. Results, its low profile but I still have a poo pile.
- Autofeeder issues continue. First the smell annoyed my wife so I had to find a sealed container. Then the food I made clogged it up and made a nice big stinky mess.
- A-hole fish. My Melinarus wrasse and twin spot hog have become horrible. I watched the Melinarus dive bomb my diamond goby and kill it, and the hogfish is systematically killing off other wrasses and anthias and they are evading capture.
- Parameters. Im still tuning the Ca reactor, I got it keeping the alk stable but it was dosing too much calc and mag so I had to back off and turn the soda ask dosing back up. I also had to lower my Kalk drip since my evaporation went down. All this lead to a few swings that killed off some corals.
- Screen tops, the never ending project. The screen went totally brittle bring under the halides in under 3 months resulting in rips, and fish being able to jump through it and land on top.
OMG...you are human after all...haha welcome to the suck 🤣