450 Install - Back on Track


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Hello all,

After taking a 2 year break I have decided to move forward and install the tank I purchased in Feb 2011. The plans are to build it into the wall and have it visable from the front and the back. This has been a project I have wanted to complete for sometime and it looks like it will eventually happen.

Current Tank
I am replacing a 75 gallon tank
http://atlantareefclub.org/boards/data/uploads/attachments/832848=42556-75 pic.JPG">[IMG]http://atlantareefclub.org/boards/data/uploads/attachments/832848=42556-75 pic.JPG" class="gc-images" title="75 pic.JPG" style="max-width:400px" /></a>

[B]New Tank[/B]
Tank dimensions 96x36x30 with external overflow, 450 gallons, with Starphire on both long panels
[IMG]http://atlantareefclub.org/boards/data/uploads/attachments/832848=42558-w 96x36x30 w ext.jpg>
832848=42558-w 96x36x30 w ext.jpg
class="gc-images" title="w 96x36x30 w ext.jpg[/IMG] style="max-width:400px" /></a> Sitting ready to be crated and shipped.

The tank's overflow has 3 1 1/2 bulkheads for drains one of which will be set up in the event I have some pluggage in the two primary drains. There also is a 1" bulkhead that will be used to feed a fuge that will be pipied in the system.

Sump will be 60 x36x30 which I will estimate will contain 160 gallons of water in a running state and a shutdown capacity of 280 gallons. This gives me a 120 gallons of buffer before water hits the floor.

The current 75 will become the fuge to house both bad actors in the main display and chaeto. its lighting will be inversed from the main display to help prevent swings in the pH.

Circulation Plans

The current plan is to use 2- Blueline 100 pumps to be the main return with one being a duty pump and the other an online spare in the event something was to take the primary pump down. I travel from time to time and need the wife to be able to make a switch with very little effort. The return pump will be feed through both the chiller and <span style="font-family: Calibri;">80 Watt Emperor Aquatics Smart HO UV. </span>

The closed loop system will be driven by a Reeflo Hammerhead with up to 10 outlets in the tank.

Protein Skimmer

I currently have a MRC3 with a Bluline 70 and two injectors. I currently plan to start out with this skimmer on this system and possibly add a 12 riser to the unit. My hopes is that this will keep up with the tank while the bioload is light. It will most likely be replaced as the tank matures and the bioload increases.


I have been given so many opinions here that I am not sure where to start. I have had both 1 HP and 1 1/2 HP units recommended and I am not sure which direction to go. I have a tradewinds 1/3 hp that has served me well and I have thought about buying a larger one to support the new tank but would to love to hear feed back from the forum on this matter.


I plan to start with 250 watt metal halides. I have 8 units available for me to start with but I am thinking of just hanging 6 to begin with and see how the tank looks. I have a par meter so I will be able to take readings and add them if needed. Any suggestions here?


I plan to automate the tank so that it handles its day to day needs such as sump top off and chemical additives on its own. In addition I plan to have pH, ORP, tempature, conductivity, and dissolved O2 online and alarms that will go out. This control is still in the plannign statges but should allow the tank to do most of the needs on its own and call for help in the event of a problem.

I look forward to hearing your comments on this build. I am still 2 months out from actually setting the new tank but I am in the process of purchasing the balance of the items to do this system.
sounds like an awesome build. hope you got deep pockets...... or more importantly an understanding spouse. lol think I will follow along on this one.
good luck.
robbywood20;832856 wrote: sounds like an awesome build. hope you got deep pockets...... or more importantly an understanding spouse. lol think I will follow along on this one.
good luck.

I am lucky the spouse is onboard and already picking her additions to the tank. As for the deep pockets I hope the worst is behind me for hardware. LOL I have the tank, sump, stand, pumps, sand, rock, and most of the minor needs already bought.

All I lack currently is the chiller, new halide bulbs, and the PVC pipe and fittings.

Once I figure out the chiller I will get it on order in the coming months.
Islandreef;832894 wrote: yeaaaa baby. ONE DAY.

Oh I am sure he is not going to all this trouble just to have it up and running for "ONE DAY". hehehehehehe
rdnelson99;832922 wrote: Oh I am sure he is not going to all this trouble just to have it up and running for "ONE DAY". hehehehehehe

NOPE, man you got it wrong. I am talking about me. One day I am gona do the same thing in my basement. :yay:
cshoneyman;832947 wrote: Any one got suggestions on the chiller and lighting?

I see you said 250 what metal halides , but I would think the lighting would depend on what you want to keep. But I think those will work gang busters, if money is no option I see a few people running LED's and Metal Halides together.
Islandreef;832951 wrote: Not sure if you said it above, but I would think the lighting would depend on what you want to keep. I know people still going with LED's but I still like my Good OLE Metal Halides.

Ahh your right. I think in the beginning I think the tank will be primarly LPS with a few SPS in the upper sections of the tank.

I have looked at LEDs but still on the fence so Halides will be what I start with. So do you think 8 250 watt will be enough to get decent pars at the bottom of a 30" tank
cshoneyman;832953 wrote: do you think 8 250 watt will be enough to get decent pars at the bottom of a 30" tank

That will depend on the ballast, bulb and most important, the reflector. I use 175's on my 140...granted it's only 24" deep...but I can grow whatever I want. At the bottom, my PAR is 250. Top I have anywhere from 500-750 depending on placement.