
If they're from the same source and you're adding them all in at the same time....I don't think that theres a need.

But I did QT my new koi when they came in...its just cheaper to medicate a small volume of water as opposed to the whole pond
Its been several years since I had discus, but every one I ever bought had gill flukes. I would suggest to Prazipro the whole tank once you have all your discuss in, before you buy any snails and such.
If they're from the same source and you're adding them all in at the same time....I don't think that theres a need.

But I did QT my new koi when they came in...its just cheaper to medicate a small volume of water as opposed to the whole pond
Well. The Discus came from a local breeder, so not worried about them. I was think of adding like 10-15 tetras in there for some movement. Was wondering if I need to QT them.
In a perfect lazy man's world I'd add the tetras first and then the discus...however I assume that the discus are already in the tank so...I'd probably...QT the tetras.
Even though its a PITA and doesn't guarantee anything...at least you can observe them for a week before adding them in.
I think dealing with a tank full of sick discus will just want to make you get rid of that tank....
In a perfect lazy man's world I'd add the tetras first and then the discus...however I assume that the discus are already in the tank so...I'd probably...QT the tetras.
Even though its a PITA and doesn't guarantee anything...at least you can observe them for a week before adding them in.
I think dealing with a tank full of sick discus will just want to make you get rid of that tank....
True. I have all the equipment already, so why not.
If I’m adding a 5$ fish to a $100 fish I’d QT. Maybe add alittle fenbendazole for safe measure.
Well. The Discus came from a local breeder, so not worried about them. I was think of adding like 10-15 tetras in there for some movement. Was wondering if I need to QT them.
Decent source? I'm looking for some discus myself right now
You should always qt. Not worth the risk imo. All fish get Prazi for a month and fed Ken's medicated metro. food.