Killer RBTA??


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Dallas, Ga
We’ve had 2 clownfish disappear this week in our 40g. I noticed the first one had disappeared as I was acclimating a new fish, the lid was slightly off while acclimating… but the second one was 2 days later, and the lid hasn’t been removed since! The only fish in the tank were the clownfish, a cleaner goby, and now a fairy wrasse. There is a medium RBTA (4”)and a small RBTA( 2-3”)We’ve searched EVERYWHERE for bodies, and the water is more than perfect.. I’ve read RBTAs don’t typically eat fish.. but is it possible for them to consume 2 clowns in 2 days?

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Did you check your overflow/plumbing? I've had a few fish over the years end up in overflows, sumps or stuck in a drain line.
I'm going to go with its not possible. Clowns are specifically adapted to live amongst anenomes, and occelaris clowns live amongst true fish eater carpet anenome in the wild. Likely just died of shock or disease, or currently caught against the valve in an overflow pipe.
Found this next to the anemone this morning.

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Still going with rbta didn't do it. Possible it swallowed it dead or dying. I guess we'll stay tuned for the next round?
Guess so no idea why they would’ve died though? The other fish in the tank are fine and the levels are perfect

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Brooklynella is *somewhat* target specific to clowns, and can be fast killer. That's my only guess. Maybe wait a few weeks and make sure no other fish flare up and then feed your nem some fresh clowns.
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My first 2 clowns both died at the exact same time out of nowhere back in like May of last year. Seemed perfectly fine. They ate the night before. I checked on them on my lunch break at like 2pm and they were fine. My wife texts me at 6 that they are both dead being eaten by my clean up crew. Still no clue why they died. My other fish, all inverts, and all coral were perfectly healthy. Just 2 dead clowns out of nowhere, and at the exact same time. Some questions just go unanswered in this hobby.
Hm. I’ll keep an eye out for a few weeks. So upsetting though! They were beautiful clowns

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Update: everything was fine for a while then all of a sudden my cleaner goby and fairy wrasse have disappeared. Not in return pumps, overflow, power head, water is testing absolutely fine. All corals and inverts are thriving. I won’t be putting anything in for several weeks but what could this have been???

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Brooklynella, because clowns died first, or velvet are my two guesses if it was everything appearing fine and then dead the next day. With all fish dead you might as well do a full term fallow for ich and then QT everything as you stock back up.
i had one jump out of my tank looked everywhere in tank. About 4 weeks later was cleaning moved couch and he was under there. Im curious to see the outcome here keep posted thanks
Update: everything was fine for a while then all of a sudden my cleaner goby and fairy wrasse have disappeared. Not in return pumps, overflow, power head, water is testing absolutely fine. All corals and inverts are thriving. I won’t be putting anything in for several weeks but what could this have been???

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Thats so depressing
i had one jump out of my tank looked everywhere in tank. About 4 weeks later was cleaning moved couch and he was under there. Im curious to see the outcome here keep posted thanks

We have a mesh lid on the top! ):

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