Kenya Tree Newbie Question!


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Stone Mountain, GA
I got a kenya tree a few days ago and it seems to be doing pretty well- standing straight up and nice and pinky. But When I looked at my tank this morning it had dropped an arm. The arm looks good- just as perky as the rest of it. My question is can I propagate more using this (healthy?) dropped arm, or should I get it out of the tank asap?
I got a kenya tree a few days ago and it seems to be doing pretty well- standing straight up and nice and pinky. But When I looked at my tank this morning it had dropped an arm. The arm looks good- just as perky as the rest of it. My question is can I propagate more using this (healthy?) dropped arm, or should I get it out of the tank asap?
Stuff it in a hole and see
Kenya trees propagate in the wild by dropping parts of themselves. The parts get carried off and hopefully get stuck somewhere and grow. This is a normal thing as far as I know.