ICP-OES Testing at work


Contest Committee Lead
Contest Committee
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Under the sea
So I recently found out about a cool toy at work in the lab next to me. I volunteered for some responsibilities requiring me to get trained on it; this training started today. Within a few months, I’ll have done several thousand samples and should be proficient at ICP-OES testing.

Here’s a few cool photos for those of you who may be interested in what it looks like.

That blue-green glow coming from inside is the plasma torch.
That is too cool!

Hahaha, right; So cool!

Wow that’s awesome, can I give you a sample to test :)

I will probably be able to use it for personal tests down the road. We’re pretty laid back here. But not quite yet; let me get some work done with it first :p It helps to learn the in’s and out’s so I don’t accidentally break it.
Hahaha, right; So cool!

I will probably be able to use it for personal tests down the road. We’re pretty laid back here. But not quite yet; let me get some work done with it first :p It helps to learn the in’s and out’s so I don’t accidentally break it.
I believe there are a few things with saltwater that need to be taken into consideration. I don't remember where I read it but something to do with the calibration and cleaning.