How to euthanize a starfish?


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Sugar Hill
I bought a serpent star from a local store last week, and it's been in decline ever since. Others in the tank were missing limb tips (which should've been a red flag, but I figured they broke in transit). I got one that was intact, but he lost a limb tip in the bag on the way home. Acclimated him, got him in the tank, and within a few hours he had lost another limb tip. Over the next few days his legs got shorter and shorter until he now resides in a floating basket at the edge of my tank. He's down to two half-legs and three that are nubs. One has started disintegrating into the oral disc, which is the point where I told myself I'd "put him down". I don't think there's any return from here. Anyone know the best way to do it? Taking him out of the water is the fastest way I could find, but that seems a slow and agonizing 5 minutes for the little guy. I don't think I could stomach watching him wiggle his little stumps as he dies, which is something I assume he'll do. Next best option seems to be cutting the oral disc in half/quarters, or crushing him to end it quickly. Both seem pretty gruesome and unnecessary. There has to be a better way. Any advice?

Edit: this should probably be in the tank issues forum. Mods feel free to move it.
I have read about people successfully using clove oil for saltwater fish, but didn't know if it would work for starfish/echinoderms/inverts.
Will it suffer, or just "go to sleep" as its biological functions slow down?

They like fish, are cold blooded so they will just slow down to a stop. This is why this is the most humane method outside of drugging them, which you cant legally get.
Interesting to know and also nice that yall aren't just flushing them. So many people don't even care until they come back in their next life as a sick fish.
I believe that breaking limbs is a sign of starvation in starfish...I would also put it in the freezer.