Fish swimming oddly


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I have two possible issues I'm concerned about. My fire fish just started acting like he was having a hard time keeping himself from floating up. He keeps trying to seeing swim down but can't seem to get there. Also, for about 2 weeks now my rest has been swimming in circles around the frag rack and wave maker. every blue moon he'll swim around the rest of the tank but he spends most of his day there. He leaves it to get something to eat and then goes right back to swimming around it in circles. Honestly, the firefish concerns me more than the wrasse though. Any ideas? I tried to upload the videos but I can never get my videos to upload here.
uploa the video to imgur or youtube then post the link here
Double check your salinity and calibration. If the water is too salty, you’ll notice by first by one fish having difficulty keeping down.
I’d wait for an answer from folks more expert than I, but.... looks to me like the fire fish is fine, he’s just swimming against a strong flow. The wrasse video won’t load for me, but they are notorious for loving to swim in strong currents all day - I’d be willing to bet that’s what he’s doing (it’s what my line spot wrasse does with his time, when he’s not hiding in a crevice)


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I mostly agree. It seems like the flow is coming from underneath though. What is your salinity, and have you calibrated it recently? It seems like a mild buoyancy issue.

Edit: just realized I already have you the same advice to your written description a week ago. But please let us know the salinity, test methods, and calibration.

Issues with salinity and temperature are strong contributing factors for over 90% of tank issues. Very often, someone will notice their corals are dying or something, and wonder if their 5ppm nitrates are too low or too high... then you find their salinity is 1.027 and/or their temperature is 88*F. This happens all the time, so you wouldn’t be alone if it turns out your salinity had krept up on you.
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