Coral glue recommendations

My preferred brand is BSI (Bob Smith Industries)

But really youre looking for
  • "Cyanoacrylate": reef safe glue that cures with moisture
  • "Gel": because non-gel versions can be runny and difficult to work with
I go to dollar general and get the single use gel packs. They never have much in stock. Recently I bought a ten pack from harbor freight but it seems like the tubes are less filled and they never seal completely so that whatever is left is hardened by the time I use it next.
Super glue sucks for bonding uneven surfaces together so you end up using a whole tube for one frag. Epoxy sucks because it doesnt stick very well unless you squish it into the cracks and wait for it to dry. The solution is both.

Reef safe epoxy (pretty much any kind) and super glue gel (also pretty much any kind)

Dry the bottom of your frag, blob of super glue, then a ball of epoxy, then another blob of super glue and stick it where you want. Hold for 2 min and youre done.
I think the Seachem reef glue works well, but lately I have had trouble with the cap welding itself to the nozzle.
The absolute best way to glue coral to rock work is to use super glue gel. Use a disposable glove and put a small blob of super glue gel on your finger tip. Then reach into the tank using your fingertip with the gel and press/rub it into the rock work. It will turn white. Next place a blob of super glue gel on the frag you want to secure and press it into the glue you just rubbed into the rock. Hold it in place for a couple of seconds, the attachment is almost instant.
The absolute best way to glue coral to rock work is to use super glue gel. Use a disposable glove and put a small blob of super glue gel on your finger tip. Then reach into the tank using your fingertip with the gel and press/rub it into the rock work. It will turn white. Next place a blob of super glue gel on the frag you want to secure and press it into the glue you just rubbed into the rock. Hold it in place for a couple of seconds, the attachment is almost instant.
gloves....why do i never wear gloves 🤦‍♂️.

I used gel superglue. use way more than you think and when you press it down i rotate to make sure the skin layer is broken.
The absolute best way to glue coral to rock work is to use super glue gel. Use a disposable glove and put a small blob of super glue gel on your finger tip. Then reach into the tank using your fingertip with the gel and press/rub it into the rock work. It will turn white. Next place a blob of super glue gel on the frag you want to secure and press it into the glue you just rubbed into the rock. Hold it in place for a couple of seconds, the attachment is almost instant.
Agree, only thing I do different is I only use one finger of the glove on my forefinger, so I don't drip all the water around the wrist.
Gorilla Glue Gel has been my newest go-to. IT seems the best I've used, additionally the cap actually keeps the glue from clogging between uses. Shake before using however.
I’m with Steve here, anytime im in The dollar tree i grab these packs of superglue gel. Works like a charm and the small size means you dont really have to Worry about the tip getting clogged with dried superglue because you will likely use it all in one or two uses. I’ve used some other brands that give you larger bottles and they work exactly the same but you have to fight the nozzle to get the glue flowing again.
My preferred brand is BSI (Bob Smith Industries)

But really youre looking for
  • "Cyanoacrylate": reef safe glue that cures with moisture
  • "Gel": because non-gel versions can be runny and difficult to work with
Any issues with the big bottles drying out? I'd hate to spend $30 and end up with a paper weight
I never have but I take care I’m not exposing them to any water and close them up properly to keep air tight.

I also use a syringe to pull out 10 mi at a time to use.
I dont buy the $30 bottles. Rather, i get the 20g tubes... usually in a 3 pack for $4-6 each. They last me a long time.
What I've been using

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