CO2 Scrubber in line with LifeReef Skimmer

Sweet! He convinced me to add one to my system too. Raised my PH from 7.65 to now 7.95 to 8.02. Probably going to look at how I can better structure input/output.
Thanks for reminding me to pull out the 684 Mazzie out before I head to the meeting tonight to go with the bag of Chaeto. ;)

If you're dosing 2-part with a doser you can switch out the Soda Ash for Sodium Hydroxide at 283 grams per gallon. It has too high a pH for manual dosing...
This is really just Lye and it's pretty dangerous. It will get quite hot when mixing, enough to melt through plastic. So I mix it slowly in glass gallon jugs, when mixed it has a pH of over 14. So it WILL burn your skin even when the liquid has cooled down. But I love the results when used with the co2 scrubber.

For got to mention, the sodium hydroxide is a Randy-Holmes Farley recipe. :)
On week 2 with a BRS CO2 scrubber. Everyone seems happy and calcium/ Alk dosing had had to be doubled. The question I have is do I have to do more water changes to keep up with trace element consumption?
I've increased by .4 on my PH. I'm also, FINALLY, measuring daily ALK usage. Starting dosing ALK yesterday and will be keeping a daily eye on it and CA.


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Thanks for sharing. My pH is up about .4 as well. I check Alk every 3 to 4 days and Cal once a week using Hannah checkers. My Cal fell from 390 to 360 during the 1st week. I doubled my dose the 1st week and another 50% increase at week 2. Cal got as low as 340. Alk has similar trends. I’m concerned if the trace elements are also getting decimated.... Thanks.
Mine has been doing very well too. As you watch the trends you can seen when the media is about spent. If you're interested in seeing some graphs I can post them.