Algae Problem


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Can someone assist me with an algae problem. Please see pic and advice on what I can do. I am using RO/DI water. Have chemi pur elite blue, protein skimmer. Is the fix simple adding more of a clean up crew. Tank is a JBJ rimless 30 gallon. Stock is 1 clownfish, 1 6-line wrasse, 1 diamond goby, 1 fire shrimp. Thanks
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How often do you do water changes and how much?

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Thats not too bad. I would just add more clean up critters.

If you want to kill it all, just throw a blanket over the tank for 2-3 days and then toss a few more snails in.
Maybe your tank gets too much day light exposure ?
Clean up crew (snails, emerald crab) could help with controlling algae.

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Thanks. Currently have my Kessil on a controller starting around 12 and off around 10. Intensity is no where close to 100%. But I will adjust and see what happens. Light is currently about 12 inches above water

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I was successful using algae fix to get rid of the algae and now doing more water changes and wetskimming to keep it at bay. Worked in roughly a week. My tank is sps dominate with some lps and zoanthids with no ill results.
How much and how often are you feeding? If you feed frozen, do you rinse before adding to the tank?
I feed frozen and pellets. I do rinse most of the time :). Also tank has been up since Oct. I used dry base rock to start tank hence he fresh look I guess.

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That's not bad, yet. When it looks like this is when it starts getting frustrating lol.
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Pellets add alot of phosphate, rinsing frozen food is not a requirement. Your tank is still pretty immature, I personally would say to only top off for one month and not do water changes, your water is not dirty and the bacteria needs to grow.

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