8.16.21 Zoom Meeting


Staff member
Contest Committee
Reaction score
Stone Mountain
8.16.21 BoD Meeting 7:00 pm Zoom

Attendees: Justin Cook, Lawrence Zapata, Adam Nitschke, Austin Trizzino, Bill Musselwhite, Andrew Sharkey, Hai Nguyen

I. Donation to GA Aquarium

  • Thread started to officially vote and get this done.
  • Donation to be directed to Research and Conservation.
II. Christmas 2021 Event

  • Covid & variants create a ton of unknowns and right now it looks like we won’t have an in-person option.
  • What are some possible options?
III. Website Hosting – the ball is in Leo’s court.

Adam reached out to Leo about the transfer.

IV. Taxes

  • The simple form is simple BUT we haven’t filed anything for 3+ years.
  • Our current info with the IRS is inactive.
  • Filing stopped in 2015 (approximately).
  • Bill will reach out and see what it takes to start over.
V. The next BoD.

  • Andrew has agreed to start working on an outline.
  • This would function as a ‘manual’ of sorts that can be handed to the incoming BoD when things change hands.
  • The goal is to prevent each new Board from starting from scratch.
VI. New leadership recruits?

Reaching out to new members and getting them involved.