Maroon Clowns


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Not sure that this qualifies as pairing up, but it is a start. I bought these two about two weeks ago. Put the smaller one in the display tank and the larger one in the frag tank for about 10 days. Bought a nem about three days in and the smaller one took to it immediately. I was going to be traveling a fair amount the next couple of weeks, so I thought I would try to put them together before my trip started. When I first put the "female" in, she pretty much ignored the male. After a couple of hours she discovered the nem and decided to make it hers. He didn't put up to much of a fight and she stayed pretty close to it and didn't go looking for him. During the sunset cycle, he started approaching the fringes of the nem and she would let him stay for a while then chase him away. I check on them in the middle of the night and they were both sleeping in it. Haven't seen any hostilities since and they only leave it for feeding time.

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Awesome! It took me like 2 months to get such a peace between my two maroons. I love these fish (-=