Jebao/Jecod SCP-120 Cross Flow Pump Wavemaker vs Gyre Flow Pump


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I am in a process of upgrading to 60 gallon tank and I have alway wanted gyre flow pump but I don't want to paid too much for it because the money I can save can go toward other gear. I came across his Jabeo cross flow pump wavemaker which is more reasonable for me price wise. I love to hear fellow reefers opinions, experiences even suggestion regarding this Jebao cross flow pump.
I currently own a CP-120 and I love it. It was on my 90 gallon for a few months and worked great. Never had it above 70%.
It is now in my 210 and works well paired with some larger Tunze pumps.
I cannot speak on its reliability/longevity as I have only had it about 6 months, but seems to be holding up well.
Routine maintenance is a must, but that is true for the more expensive gyre pumps as well.
Thank you for responding with feedback. I agree that is true for all equipment in our tank that routine maintenance is a Must that's reason why I don't want to over paid for wavemaker pump that will achieve the same/similar result as to counter part Gyre Pumps.
I've had a CP-150 for almost a year and it's working hard as ever. I've cleaned it twice this year, got a good bit of coralline and nuisance algae on it, but it's WAY overpowered for a 90 gal. Even with all this gunk on it, it's set to about 1/3 power.
