First Triton ICP Test - Chromium & Lithium?


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Got our first Triton ICP test results back. Two of the elements were maxed out on the chart and are not items that we are intentionally dosing.

Has anyone found elevated levels of Chromium or Lithium in their Triton ICP lab results? If so, did you find the source?

Here's a link to the full readout:

A couple of other elements it advised tweaking like slightly elevating calcium and boron. We recently switched to Red Sea Blue Bucket from Red Sea Coral Pro to better align the alkalinity of our salt mix with our tank. We have yet to cycle all of the water in the tank out for the new salt mix though. A water change is on the to-do list here soon.
I'm not a huge fan of Triton. They do give you good information and they are testing quicker with a lab in the US now. But they don't test your RO water with the test and they don't do a couple other tests which they now have another expensive test to get those.

ATI tests your Alk and nitrate along with your RO water.

Lithium is usually elevated from the brand of salt you use. I'm not familiar with RS salt but I know IO & RC are elevated. Chromium is generally a sign that there is a piece of metal in the tank but it could also be from a magnet. I'd check the backings of all magnets in your system. Another source is from the impeller shafts of some cheaper pumps and powerheads. Jebao pumps had an issue 5 or so years ago but they've since switched to ceramic shafts.

I've seen Lithium much higher than yours and the jury is out if it really is bad or not. The Chromium is you one you need to fix quicker. You'll need to find the source of it. Also get some TLF Metasorb or Seachem Cuprisorb. You can also run polyfilter if you can't find the source.
Haven't I seen posted on here some people actually dose lithium to raise nutrients. I'll have to look for thread.

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There were several trace elements it recommended dosing to bring up to natural sea water levels. In this case, Lithium was just much higher. I'm about to swap out the sump for a new one. I'll check for any metal components that might be rusting.