Black Friday Sale - Today Saturday 11 AM - 8 PM

Creation Reef & Aquatics

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Friday November 28th 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM Saturday November 29th 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Black Friday Weekend Sale ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scroll to the bottom for an extra COUPON! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's that time of year again...time to celebrate and save! With savings all day long, whether you come in early or late, you are sure to find great deals for yourself and gifts for your loved ones! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DOORBUSTER SAVINGS 11 AM - 1 PM FRIDAY NOVEMBER 28TH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aqua Vitro Calcification 11 oz $6.99 1 L $19.99 All Live Plants 40% OFF Listed Price Aqua Vitro Envy Buy One Get One FREEE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All Saltwater Fish 20% Off SELECT CORALS 50% OFF All Freshwater Fish 20% Off ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BLUE LEG HERMIT CRABS 10 FOR $10 LIVE GHOST SHRIMP $1.50 PER DOZEN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ALL DAY SAVINGS 11 AM - 8 PM FRIDAY NOVEMBER 28TH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All Tukani Live Rock $2.99 Per Pound All Base Rock $2.50 Per Pound Fluval Edge 6 Gallon $99.99 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REEF DYNAMICS INS 80 IN SUMP PROTEIN SKIMMER $65 OFF* REGULAR PRICE: $299.97 CAPACITY: The INS80 is rated to filter up to 250 gallons of total system water volume when compared with other like sized products on the market. IDEAL: The INS80 is ideal for "Mixed Reef" aquarium systems with a total capacity of +/- 80 gallons with a medium/average bio-load. A "Mixed Reef" system is typically comprised of a mixture of soft corals, hard corals and a small fish population along with a few small crustaceans etc. These systems typically put out less DOC's that the heavier stocked "Fish Only" Systems and have less restrictive requirements on water quality than "SPS" systems IDEAL: The INS80 is ideal for "Fish Only" aquarium systems with a total capacity of +/- 50 gallons, especially those that do not use any live rock or sand, typically have a much higher bio-load when compared to the same sized Reef Aquarium and therefore require a far more powerful protein skimmer. The reason for this is that fish with a similar physical "biomass" to a given coral or colony of corals release substantially more waste that the coral, and this puts a greater amount of DOC's - specifically urine and fecal matter- into the water column. IDEAL: The INS80 is ideal for "SPS" aquarium systems with a total capacity of +/- 50 gallons with a heavy bio-load. "SPS" systems (aquaria with a focus on Small Polyped Stony corals) benefit from a high rate of organic extraction as it promotes and enhances coloration in corals by limiting the nutrients available to the symbiotic algae (Zooxanthellae) living within there tissue. In addition, a high rate of organic and particulate extraction increases the clarity of the water which in turn enhances the penetration of UV rays that stimulate the development of the corals colorful UV protective materials. Increased water clarity also optimizes the efficiency of the Zooxanthellae a thus decreases the number of the protozoa required to provide the coral with the food (glucose) it takes up in exchange for the CO2 produced by the coral through normal biological processes. *Offer limited to quantity in stock. Not valid in addition to other discounts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SALTWATER BLACK FRIDAY WEEKEND LIVESTOCK DEALS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flame Angels $34.99 Orange Firefish $7.99 Regal Tangs, Small $34.99 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mexican Turbo Snails $1.99 Bluejaw Triggers $49.99 Cleaner Shrimp $19.97 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All Clownfish - All Varieties 15% Off Individual or Pair Prices ALL CORAL 10% off 1 15% off 2 20% off 3+ GIFT CERTIFICATES Always Make the Perfect Gift ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FRESHWATER BLACK FRIDAY WEEKEND LIVESTOCK DEALS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Otocinclus 3 for $6 Spotted Pictus Cats $5.99 Common Plecostomus $2.49 FREE BETTA FISH WITH SELECT BETTA KIT PURCHASES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Panda Cory Cats 50% Off Sterbai Cory Cats $5.99 Fancy Guppies Buy 2 Get 2 FREE Neon Tetras $0.80 BEAUTIFUL CLASSIC Serpae Tetras $0.80 GREAT LARGER SCHOOLING TETRA All 3" Discus $44.99 New shipment in earlier this week ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Buy One Get One FREE ON ANY ONE FLAKE FOOD OF YOUR CHOICE Limit of one coupon per family/customer. Present coupon at register or present coupon with smartphone using PROMOCODE:TURKEYCOMA2014 Offer Valid 11/28/2014 and 11/29/2014. Not valid in addition to other discounts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~