90g powerhead question


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So im starting a 90g reef tank. I want to know which powerheads are right for me. I am looking at getting 2 koralia 1150gph, would this be too much also it has a 951gph return on it as well? would this be too much water movement for things to be happy? Also I should note this will be my first saltwater aquarium.
From what I have learned from my tanks is the more flow the better. I think the only way you can have to much flow is if its splashing out the top or your sand bed keeps making a sand storm. Now that's just my 2cents. If you can position them just right I think you and your corals will be happy.
for the most part i agree. the more flow the better but i think there is such a thing as too much flow but you are no where near it with the setup you're talking about. you should do pretty well with the equipment your talking about. one thing i would suggest is to use locline and split the return into two or three lines and spread the flow to diffrent places around the tank and behind the rocks so its moving all over the tank and not just blasting out in one spot.
I had a 90 gal with 3 EVO 1400.Was just fine.If i would of had a another one laying around,would of through it in as well.