
  1. Broke_Budget_Reef

    Finally doing it! Need info on being a sponsor.

    Hello everyone, Here is a little back story/intro of myself. My name is Paul. Around 10 years ago I was getting ready to graduate high school and head off to Basic training. I said to myself once I finish my time may it be 6 years, 10 years, or 20 years I was going to get out and pursue my...
  2. TreyinTheA

    Howdy Fish Friends!

    Hey everybody, My name is Trey and I’ve been fish keeping my entire life. Recently, I decided to start my first reef tank (30g) and I’m super excited to get out of freshwater and into salt! I’m new(ish) to Atlanta, been here almost two years. I’m excited to be a part of this group and expand my...